Saturday, October 26, 2013

Module #9 Video Blog

 #1. I chose videos that were based on artists I know nothing about. I’ve learned about artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci but El Greco and Caravaggio were artists I haven’t heard of and would like to know more about.

#2. Key Concepts
Video #1. El Greco: Rediscovering a Master
-One of Spain’s greatest painters
-Had an interest in controversial counter- reformation in pictorial art
-Considered the great predecessor of the modernism
- He respected and established norms without sacrificing style
-Other artists were inspired by his work
- Most genuine of Spanish artists

Video #2. The Power of Art: Caravaggio
-Painted the here and now and used people off the street for models
- “The Calling of St. Matthew”
- Society considered his paintings indecent
-“The Death of the Virgin Mary”
- Went in to hiding
- In 1608 he was proclaimed one of the greatest of all painters
- “The Beheading of John the Baptist”
- Ultimately died a miserable death

#3. The videos talked a lot about the artist’s views on religion during the time of the renaissance. The artists expressed their view on religion and some showed it in holy way and some in an evil way. The book also talks about religious views during the renaissance of several other artists.

#4. The videos opened me up to other artists I would most likely never learn about. The book usually talks about very well-known artists like Michelangelo. So I wanted to learned about other artists views and works.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Module #8

#1. I chose the video The Measure of All Things: Greek Art and the Human Figure because I think sculptures that depict the human body and the emotions behind it are interesting to learn more about.

More Human Than Human: Key Concepts
-People and artists are obsessed with the human body
- Images of the human body do not actually resemble a real human being
- One of the first images of the human body was a statue of the female figure found in the Danube River Valley
- Statues of the female body often had exaggerated breasts, genitalia, and hips
- Human ancestor’s brains might have been programmed to exaggerate these features because they felt they were of greatest importance
- The instinct to exaggerate did not survive into the Egyptian era.
- The Greeks made realistic images
- The Greeks cared more about physical perfection of the body

The Measure of All Things: Greek Art and the Human Figure: Key Concepts
-History of statues in the 5th and 6th century
- Greek pottery
- Depicted everyday life as well as the Gods
- The Olympic Games
- Idealized the human body, strength and beauty
- The obsession with the ideal beauty and the body still is evident today.

#3. Both videos are about how artists see the human body and sometimes it is shown unrealistically or realistically in works of art, like statues. The text also talks about the beauty and ideal view of the human body and both talk about the Greeks influence on human statues.

#4. The videos were helpful in showing how the body evolved in sculptures over the centuries and different views on the body like the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. It also showed how and why the body is created realistically, or ideally. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Module #7 Video Review

Video #1

Last Call for Planet Earth: Sustainable Development and Architecture

#1. Key Concepts

- Major changes in building design is needed to help protect our planet which is in danger
-Eco-friendly materials are a growing trend among architects
-These materials include bamboo wood and the use of new technologies such as green roofs, and passive and geothermal solar energy usage
-The video also talked about being environmentally aware, and sustainability, since people use resources without caring about how it will affect the environment

Video #2

Imperial Rome, Ostia, and Portus: Ancient Architecture and Technology

Key Concepts

- Roman technology
- Architecture of Rome, Ostia, and Portus, their natural resources and history of buildings
- The Parthenon and Greek columns
-Baths of Caracalla, mosaics
-Water and sanitation systems

#2. The video relates to the text because both talk about the idea of green architecture. Also they both give examples of eco-friendly materials that can be used and unconventional ways to help the environment through architecture, like roof top insulators and ways to incorporate natural light, fresh air, gardens,and beauty. The second video relates to the book because both talk about the contributions of the Greeks and Romans in architecture and both used the example of the Parthenon.

#3. The video showed many different interviews from architects and they all have their own interpretation of how to sustain the planet through architecture. This showed that big and small ideas all contribute to the overall goal of protecting the planet. The second video the different technologies used in building design and how they have evolved throughout history and the way several countries use them.

#4 I chose these videos mostly based on their titles. I wanted to pick videos that would touch on topics I find interesting such as, technology, and helping the environment.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Peer Review &

#2. I thought Jenna's elements and principles were very well thought out and easy to spot even if you weren't too familiar with their meanings. On the other hand Matt had some elements and principles I was not aware were actual elements and principles so I was kind of confused by this. A lot of their images could have other elements and principles other than the one listed with the picture. Such as color, shape, pattern, and line which are very common and easy to find.

#3. There were not any images that were the same, which I expected since the Albright Knox is so large and what might catch my eye when walking through may have no effect on someone else.

#4. Matt used Black Friday for his gallery visit with really interested me. Working in a retail store I am used to the craziness of Black Friday and could easily relate to this artwork. I wonder what connection the artist has to Black Friday that made them want to create this.

#5. I think it is helpful to read my peers reflection because we learn more from each other. By reading other people's ideas I can see other view points and understand things that may be confusing the first time I read it. That's why it is nice that our blogs are not private. If I am confused about a project or assignment that is posted to our blogs I can look at some other people's and get a sense of what is expect and feel more confident about my work.

#6. I found most students comments very vague and basic. Most said good job or I liked your project. I prefer to go more into detail and let the person know specific things i liked and why because I think it is more helpful.

Module #6 Video Review

Through the Eyes of the Sculptor

#1. I learned that sculpting is a very time consuming and intense process. Also the artist needs to consider many factors when carving the marble or limestone to make sure the sculpture will be successful. Elements like how much can the stone handle, can it be extended, how fragile is it, how resistant is it, and will it be indoor or outdoor. As the view we get to see the beautiful end product and don’t relive the amount of time, energy, and planning that goes into it.

#2.The video relates to the text because they both showed the different methods that can be used to make sculptures. Such as modeling, casting, carving, and assembling.

#3. This video showed that sculpting is not a craft that just anyone could pick up. You have to be passionate about it like Fillion who started at a young age. He started as restoring old monuments and buildings, and later became a master sculptor.

Glass and Ceramics

#1. I learned that glass is made from sand with is one of the most abundant substances on the surface of the earth. Its properties are extremely different from sand and is actually a liquid that stiffens when cooled rather than a solid. Like glass ceramics came into existence by fire but is made from a clay which is a rock.

#2. This video relates to the text because both talk about the methods of creating these materials. These techniques include blowing and staining for glass, and slab construction, coiling, using a potter’s wheel, and glazing for ceramics.

#3. I thought this film was really interesting be it went into depth and demonstrated how to use the different techniques to create glass and ceramics. My favorite was the glass being blown; it was amazing how he could just heat up the glass and simple remove parts he didn’t want just by cutting them off until he thought it was perfect. I normally think of glass as being fragile and having to be really careful. By altering the state of the material anything is possible.