Saturday, October 5, 2013

Module #6 Video Review

Through the Eyes of the Sculptor

#1. I learned that sculpting is a very time consuming and intense process. Also the artist needs to consider many factors when carving the marble or limestone to make sure the sculpture will be successful. Elements like how much can the stone handle, can it be extended, how fragile is it, how resistant is it, and will it be indoor or outdoor. As the view we get to see the beautiful end product and don’t relive the amount of time, energy, and planning that goes into it.

#2.The video relates to the text because they both showed the different methods that can be used to make sculptures. Such as modeling, casting, carving, and assembling.

#3. This video showed that sculpting is not a craft that just anyone could pick up. You have to be passionate about it like Fillion who started at a young age. He started as restoring old monuments and buildings, and later became a master sculptor.

Glass and Ceramics

#1. I learned that glass is made from sand with is one of the most abundant substances on the surface of the earth. Its properties are extremely different from sand and is actually a liquid that stiffens when cooled rather than a solid. Like glass ceramics came into existence by fire but is made from a clay which is a rock.

#2. This video relates to the text because both talk about the methods of creating these materials. These techniques include blowing and staining for glass, and slab construction, coiling, using a potter’s wheel, and glazing for ceramics.

#3. I thought this film was really interesting be it went into depth and demonstrated how to use the different techniques to create glass and ceramics. My favorite was the glass being blown; it was amazing how he could just heat up the glass and simple remove parts he didn’t want just by cutting them off until he thought it was perfect. I normally think of glass as being fragile and having to be really careful. By altering the state of the material anything is possible. 

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