Monday, December 9, 2013

Reflections of AED 200

1. What were you expectations for this course and where they met?

I expected to learn how to see art from a new perspective, different elements of design, be introduced to famous artists and their work, and I expect to have a new appreciation for art since I do not know much about art history. These expectations were met, I thought this class was going to be boring and I wouldn't care about the material but I learned a lot about art, and how it relates in my everyday life. 

2. Now that you've been through this course, What is art? How would you define it now compared to your intial posting?

Original Posting:
When I think of art the first thing that comes to mind is painting, drawing, sculptures, or museums. But I really think that art is an unique way to express ones emotions and individuality. Art is very subjective. What I think of when I see a piece of art can be completely different from someone else. Each piece can tell multiple stories.

I agree with my initial posting but I would add that art is all around us from architecture, rugs, vases, and culture that is often overlooked.  

3. Who was your favorite artist in your original posting and who is your favorite visual artist now? If there is a difference, why do you think so? If you have the same favorite artist, why do you think so?

My original favorite artist was Bansky, but after taking this class I learned a lot about Andy Warhol and he is my new favorite. I love his use of advertising and commercialism in his work. I think I changed my favorite because I wasn't exposed to any of Banksy's art throughout the semester.  

4. Now that you've completed this course, how do you feel about taking an online course? Is your answer the same as it was in your first posting? How is it the same or different?

This was my first online class along with another I took this semester. Compared to the other this class is so well organized and efficient than my other class, I am so glad I took this class. My answer was the same as before, I am a commuter student and I love not having to drive 30 mins to class when I can just do it at home. You really have to be self motivated which I am, and I am really happy with my grade and the overall experience of this course. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Project #5

1. Which projects did you review?
I looked through almost all of the art curation projects and liked a lot of them but ended up doing my article on the art exhibit Destruction of Happiness:Living Earth, created by Jeremy Roberts. 

2. Why did you select the Exhibit you critiqued?
I chose this exhibit because it had an interesting theme that is really evident in society today which is the destruction of the Earth through war and pollution. 

3. What challenges did you face in writing the critique article and how did you overcome them?
I thought it was hard to critique the exhibits because since all of the art was so similar I felt like I was running out of things to say. So to overcome this I looked on the creators blog to see what he wrote about his exhibit to get a better understanding of what he was trying to get across. 

4. How do you feel about critiquing your peers work?
I like writing about other people's work but I really enjoy reading what others have to say about mine, so I can better my work and see what my strengths and weaknesses are. 

5. Would you like to read the critique your peers wrote about your Art Curation Project?
Yes because as I stated before I really like hearing what other people think about my work, negative and positive. 

6. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your finished article and why?
I would rate my finished essay an 8 or 9. I feel like I gave a lot of detail about the exhibit and offered many suggestions for improvements and explained whether it was successful or unsuccessful. 

7. Did you enjoy working on this project?
I enjoyed putting my exhibit together but not so much the article. I don't enjoy writing papers like most college students, but two pages wasn't that bad, I was just running out of things to say after a while. 

Art Gallery Visit #3

Portrait of Mrs. A.G.M. van Ogtrop -Hanlo(1871-1944) and her five children
Therese Schwartze
w198.5 x h175.3 cm

Madonna (Self- Portrait)
Cindy Sherman
Gelatin Silver Print 
Profile Portrait of a Young Lady
Antonio del Pollaiuolo
w362 x h522 cm
Oil on poplar wood
All portraits are from Google Art Project, I typed self- portraits into the search box so they didn't come from a specific gallery.

1. Why did you select the inspiration pieces?
I chose all portraits of women because I am also a women and would be creating my own self portrait similar to these. I also like how the women looked very glamorous and were posing how we would today even though the art is from a long time ago. 

2. Why did you select the media to create your self-portrait?
I chose pencil to draw the portrait and colored pencil to color it in. I chose these medias because they are something everyone has laying around the house and are easy to work with.

3. What challenges did you face in creating your self-portrait and how did you overcome them?
My biggest challenge is that I am horrible at drawing and trying to make myself look good in a drawing is hard when I can't get my vision across in a super creative way. But I tried my best despite my drawing skills. 

4. How does this piece represent you?
The piece represents me aesthetically and my personality, since I am smiling and it is just a basic everyday photo. 

5. What elements and principles of art did you apply in this work?
I used shape with the face, nose, and eyes, line for the hair, and color to make the portrait look better and show who I am. Such as skin color, hair color, and eye color. The hair and freckles give the 2D drawing texture. 

6. Did you enjoy working on this project?
I enjoy the art making projects because I don't every sit down and draw or paint and in my everyday life and this is nice break from essays and tests, since there is no right or wrong answers. 

7. What do you think of your final artwork?
I think my final artwork slightly looks like me, but if the original photo wasn't with it friends or family may not be able to know that it is me because I am the furthest thing from an artist. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Module 15 Video Blog

#1. Key Concepts:

Jackson Pollock: Michael Fried and T.J. Clark in Conversation
-Pollock is an enormously important modernist master
-Clark’s emphasis is on the historical role of modern art while Fried is focused on the independence of its aesthetic
-Both are committed to a historical way of looking at art
-Fried strongly dislikes the description of art in vulgar existentialist terms
-T.J Clark is a social historian that has been concerned with relating art to other human action
- Studying Lavender Mist: compressed energy of the painting surface
-Autumn Rhythm: Pollock focused on pictorial elements VS fragility

The Colonial Encounter: Views of Non-Western  Art and Culture
-Dahome art, visually beautiful but treated as a craft
-The 1900 Paris World Fair
-Colonial Images
-Images of African people showed violent behavior toward each other
-The shark symbolizes Dahome’s determination to protect its chores
-Algerian exhibition
-Racial differences
-Shows the ways in which Western prejudice, ethnography, and art consumption have counteracted authentic intercultural dialogue

#2. The videos showed that when critiquing art people can have varying interpretations of an artist’s work. This shows that the artist’s intentions for their work may not always translate to everyone on the same way. This was shown through Michael Fried and T.J Clarks conflicting views on the work of Jackson Pollock.

#3. I learned that art criticism must involve some sort of argument about the basis of the critic’s judgment. Also intuition and reasoning are an important part of art criticism