Saturday, November 23, 2013

Module #13 & #14

#1.  Key Concepts:

The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art

-Lowbrow art is art that isn’t categorized as any other type of art, it is a class all its own
-Pop culture, car culture, and folk art have had major influences in the genre
-Lowbrow had pop culture and consumer references
- Some galleries were not willing to display Lowbrow art
-There was unwillingness of the mainstream art world to accept Lowbrow
-Emergence of female artists in Lowbrow
-The punk rock generation propelled Lowbrow art culture

Displaying Modern Art: The Tate Approach

-The intellectual and aesthetic issues associated with the display of art
-Typically art was displayed in chronological order, representing each art movement
- Also the art was displayed on white walls with flexible lighting
-In 1970, these traditional way were questioned and art came off the walls to become busy and noisy
- The Tate Modern display approach
-Tate provided striking and often abrupt transitions between the individual display rooms
- Critics believed art should be more than entertainment

Bones of Contention: Native American Archaeology

-The remains of more than 10,000 Native Americans unearthed at archaeological sites across the U.S are in the possession of museums like the Smithsonian
-Anthropologists differ on whether or not the remains should be returned to their ancestors
-Now, Native Americans design the exhibits in New York’s Native American Museum
- Ancestors’ bones continue to be brought home
-Archaeology must share responsibility for stewarding the past

An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and The Metropolitan

-Philippe de Montebello
- Served for 31 years as Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art
-He guided the acquisition of more than 84,000 works of art
-He also demanded innovation in conservation techniques, and oversaw the doubling of the physical size of the institution

#2. The videos relate to the creation of my Art Exhibition project, since they talked about what type of art should be in an exhibit, how it should be displayed, what influences art displays, and what shouldn’t be a part of an exhibit.

#3. My favorite film was the The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art, it was like an exhibit that had no theme, which is the opposite of our project. But it was interesting to learn about Lowbrow which I’ve never heard of.

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