Sunday, November 3, 2013

Module #9 Hand Drawing

#1. As people we use are our hands every day in everything we do. By using my hands as subject matter it is interesting to see all the lines, wrinkles, and unique characteristics in my hands that I never noticed because I don’t ever just stare at my hands.

#2. I chose pencil because it was what I had available at the time. If I had charcoal on hand I would have liked to try both mediums to see the difference in the drawings.  

#3. It felt strange to use my left hand/ non-dominant hand because I never use it. I can barely right my name neatly with my left hand let alone drawing a picture with it.

#4. I ended up tracing my hand because I cannot draw to save my life. My non-dominant hand drawing is pretty shaky compared to my dominant hand. But I found that if I really concentrated using my left hand is not that hard.

#5. My picture using my non-dominant hand looked very shaky, like I was unsure about what I was drawing. So if I intentionally wanted this effect for a drawing or painting using my non-dominant hand could be a useful tool. 

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