Monday, November 25, 2013

Project #4 Reflection

I found it easy to think of ideas for a theme for the art curator exhibition project. At first I wanted to do a 70's/bohemian themed exhibit, but found it hard to find artworks that matched that theme. So I came across a lot of nature related artworks such as flowers, animals and mountains while doing further research. I ended up choosing beaches as my theme. I named the exhibit "I Can Still Hear The Waves" since a majority of the artworks focused on the waves of the ocean, and the painting depicted real life beaches and are so detailed that the viewer feels like they are really on a sunny and exotic beach with the waves crashing down. I chose a font for the title that reminded me of writing your name into the sand , and the backgrounds for all of the slides was a pale blue that gives the exhibit a sense of calmness throughout the collection. I couldn't use the Bradley Hand font throughout the whole exhibit because I felt like it made the words hard to read, but I would have liked to use it. Also I arranged the artworks in a sequence from sunrise to sunset. So by going through the whole collection you kind of get to see a full day at the beach. From the calmness of the morning, to a beach party, to sunset, and to the darkness of the night. The websites that were given in the resource section were very helpful and made putting the PowerPoint together, really quick and easy. I had the most trouble with writing about the artworks since they are all about the beach it got very repetitive. But other than that I had no trouble coming up with a concept and putting it all together with fonts, colors and backgrounds that helped to reinforce my chosen theme better.

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